Not consumed in June at English establishments (7)
Electricity by the shortest route? (6,7)
Got to work in the theatre (8)
Pick up bus by tree which is awe-inspiring (7)
Priest forms band (6)
Bowler possibly out for a duck? (5)
Upper class fellow gets his from this (4)
1 No examination in theory (9,4)
2 Riches could be cruel (5)
3 Cosy when weapons put up (4)
4 Fair shares for deserter on charge (6)
5 Thus I appear in the telegram as friendly (8)
6 Not consumed in June at English establishments (7)
7 Electricity by the shortest route? (6,7)
12 Got to work in the theatre (8)
13 Pick up bus by tree which is awe-inspiring (7)
15 Priest forms band (6)
18 Bowler possibly out for a duck? (5)
19 Upper class fellow gets his from this (4)
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